Even though I've been making quick school snacks lately (another one coming Thursday!), it's not Christmas without COOKIES! Here are some Holiday Swirl Cookies that we whipped up for Tablespoon this week. 
These were actually inspired by those giant Christmas suckers they have at Wal-Mart right now (and yes, I bought a bunch...)

They're super cute wrapped as little "candies'. Simply wrap in a piece of cellophane and tie the ends with ribbon. One or two of these would be adorable on top of a cookie plate!

What makes these super easy is that I went to my stand-by favorite, Betty Crocker Cookie Mix, to whip up the dough.

Divide dough in 3 pieces, tint one red and one green.

Roll out one section of dough into a 9” x 11” rectangle. Roll out the second section of dough into the same size. Repeat with third section of dough and stack all rectangles on top of each other. Roll all together into a log.

Cut 1/2" slices with a very sharp knife.

Bake at 375 degrees for 7-10 minutes, until barely brown.
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