I was asked to make one of these three appetizers using Pillsbury Crescent Rolls and put my own creative spin on it....which should I choose?
I don't want to make the wrong choice, if it turns out awesome it might be featured on the Pillsbury web site. I would love that!
I know we're all busy with Holiday plans, so let's sweeten the deal!...
We'll send one of you this adorable gift pack with 2 coupons for free Pillsbury Crescent rolls and these lovely serving platters for helping out. :)
We'll send one of you this adorable gift pack with 2 coupons for free Pillsbury Crescent rolls and these lovely serving platters for helping out. :)

This giveaway is now closed.
we have a winner!
Connie who said...
"I like the HOliday Tree the best!"

Crescent Bacon-Cheese Tartlets
Pillsbury, through MyBlogSpark, provided me this gift pack as well as one to give away. Thank you!