Whew! What a crazy couple weeks! We're in the middle of getting ready to move across the country and we also just sold our house. Hooray!

We decided to learn about Jellyfish today...we watched YouTube videos, played with umbrellas (pretending we were jellyfish), did letter J practice pages, and learned about their life-cycle. They are extremely strange and cool animals. Here was our snack!
Jiggly JellyfishIngredients:2 large boxes Jell-o (any kind)
2 1/2 c. boiling water
Cupake Pan
Cooking Spray
Directions:Spray a cupcake or muffin tin with cooking spray. Mix boiling water and jell-o until dissolved. Pour into muffin tin and put into refrigerator until firm (about 3 hours).

With a potato peeler, cut long strips of carrot. These are your tentacles!

Gently slide your finger around the edges of the cupcake tins and pop the jello out. Put on a plate and let the kids add tentacles, a carrot piece smile, and icing eyes. Enjoy!
Notes:Jennifer shared this super cute idea for hot dog jellyfish that she found
here. I love it! Simply poke dried spaghetti noodles into hot dog pieces and boil until pasta is tender. You could make a whole jellyfish lunch! I love it!