I wanted to have a little "tasting" adventure with the girls so we decided to make crème fraîche . It's easy and fun to taste the different stages. If you haven't had crème fraîche , it like sour cream but BETTER (less acidic/bitter tasting). Another great thing about creme fraiche is that you can beat it to thicken to the consistency you want.
To make authentic crème fraîche, you need unpasturized cream, but I found that you can make a decent version with pasturized cream. The best part? You can keep it in the fridge for a week or so and use it for all kinds of things (potato topping, sauces, fruit dip, etc.). We saved a little to put in lasagna and also made a cinnamon fruit dip.
To make authentic crème fraîche, you need unpasturized cream, but I found that you can make a decent version with pasturized cream. The best part? You can keep it in the fridge for a week or so and use it for all kinds of things (potato topping, sauces, fruit dip, etc.). We saved a little to put in lasagna and also made a cinnamon fruit dip.

Guess what else? I was featured on RNCentral as one of their Top 100 Healthy Mom Blogs. How cool is that? Thank you! It's a great resource for anyone in nursing.
Cinnamon Crème fraîche
2 C. heavy cream
1 C. buttermilk
2 T. sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
Let the kids taste the cream and tell you what it tastes like. Have them taste the buttermilk. Put both cream and buttermilk in a sealed container. Shake well (make sure everyone gets a turn!). Leave out at room temperature overnight, at least 8 hours.
In the morning, shake well. Let the kids taste again--how did the taste change overnight? Add sugar and cinnamon to taste and beat until fluffy.

Let them taste again, how did the sugar/cinnamon and beating it change the taste and texture? Serve with fresh fruit for a fabulous breakfast! Store leftovers in the refrigerator.