Groundhog Pancakes
Pancake Batter
Doughnut Holes
Butterscotch Chips
Icing (any kind--for "glue")
Red & Brown Mini M&M's
Pancake Batter
Doughnut Holes
Butterscotch Chips
Icing (any kind--for "glue")
Red & Brown Mini M&M's
Green Food Coloring (optional)
Peanut Butter (optional)
Peanut Butter (optional)
Tint pancake batter with green food coloring (if desired--we are just WISHING the ground was green right now). Make round pancakes, about 8".
Slice apples in half and remove core. Put 1 T. peanut butter in the middle of each apple (optional--just for extra protein). Put on plate with the cut side down.
Place a doughnut hole in your "pancake hole". Using a little chocolate icing as "glue", add two butterscotch chips for ears. Snip a mini-marshmallow in half and add as eyes. Add brown mini M & M's with a dab of icing for the pupil. Add a red mini M&M for the nose and serve! (We also added a few icing flowers just to help Spring along a little:))