I am so excited! We're giving away amazing English Toffee for your sweetie (or yourself) in time for Valentines Day!

I have a confession to make...actually 2 confessions.....
1) I am a toffee junkie. I adore it, it's probably my favorite treat and has been since I was a kid.
2) I've never been able to make it very well. I've gotten plenty of tips from Grandma (professional candy maker) and Mom (daughter of professional candy maker) but I can't seem to get it right. It frustrates me to no end.
Fortunately, I DO know people who make great toffee (it's all about who you know, right?:)) and they're giving a bunch away to you! How cool is that?
So, let me introduce you to English Toffee Anytime. Buttery almond toffee covered with pure Guittard chocolate and coated with the finest chopped almonds. It has no preservatives and is honestly the most heavenly toffee I've ever had.

Here are the juicy details and how to win your free toffee!
Go to English Toffee Anytime and then come back and leave a comment here telling one fact about them or their products. Anything. NO REPEATS!:)
On February 3rd, we'll randomly pick seven winners! Respond with your address by Feb. 5 and they guarantee they can get you your toffee by V-Day.
2nd prize – half pound box of toffee, choice of flavor (milk, dark or white), shipped to the winner;
3rd prizes – 5 third prizes of the Triple Taste-The-Toffee sampler shipped to the winners.
Special offer for Gourmet-Mom-on-the-Go readers
(this week only--offer ends Feb. 3)
When you order a one-half pound box of toffee from http://www.englishtoffeeanytime.com/ before the close of the contest/giveaway you will be upgraded to:(this week only--offer ends Feb. 3)
--A one pound box of toffee, and
--A complimentary Valentine card with a personal message.
This offer is expires at the close of the contest/giveaway and may not be combined with any other discount or offer.