Yesterday I cleaned out a few pantry items--of course I didn't want to waste them, so Witches Brew Puddings were born! I was surprised how excited the kids were about them!!
Click here to get the labels I made and feel free to substitute any ingredients you have on hand--the only two you really need are instant pudding and milk.

I made up this little poem and labels and all the kids had a great time mixing their own "pudding brew" for dessert. Here's the poem in case you can't download it:
It’s Halloween and time for treats,
But be careful about the things you eat!
If you’re brave here’s what to do,
We’ll mix up a little Witches Brew!
Pick your potion, mix it well,
and we’ll see if you fall under a spell!
If you turn into a frog, don’t have a fright,
You’ll turn back tomorrow night. Boo!!
Witches Brew PuddingsIngredients:Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix (Bone Dust)
Milk (Ghost Blood)
Optional Ingredients:Chocolate Chips (Bat Droppings)
Mini-Marshmallows (Frog’s Eyes)
Granola (Smashed Tombstones)
Locorice (Goblin Guts)
Fruity Pebbles cereal flakes (Mystical Moonbeam pieces)
Orange Food Coloring (Owlish Orange)
Green Food Coloring (Goblin Green)
Pop Rocks Candy (Exploding Newt Eyes)
Directions:Fill cups with various ingredients and attach labels.

Give each child a glass with the poem attached (
click here to download it along with the labels). Let them each put a few scoops of "bone dust" and pour some "Ghost Blood" in their cups. Add a drop or two of "Owlish Orange" or "Goblin Green" if desired. Let them add various optional ingredients (this is all the junk you cleaned out of your pantry;)) and then let them mix their spooky brew. Eat and enjoy!

Here's Big C slurping up her Goulish Creation!