I LOOOOOOOVE Cooked Meringue! It can be used for so many things, but this is definitely my favorite:

My husband and I have a favorite “manly and womanly” dessert, it’s the symbol of our marriage—Baked Alaska. If you thought Baked Alaska is a difficult dessert, think again! I love it because it’s classy and sooooo easy to make, especially with this cooked meringue recipe. Everything can be ready beforehand. You don’t have to whip up the meringue right before serving. It’s perfect for fun entertaining.
DH loves it because I let him get out his giant blowtorch from the garage and torch the entire thing right before serving (insert manly grunts here). The crowd is definitely intrigued when he comes out with it to "get dessert ready".
This recipe is fabulous because you can freeze the meringue before browning. A gorgeous dessert ready to go? Works for me! Check out Rocks in My Dryer for all kinds of other great tips!
We’ve made all kinds of things for the “middle” of the Baked Alaska, get creative and enjoy yourself. Get as gourmet or as easy as you want. This one is super-easy and non-fussy. Let the kids smoosh the ice cream into the bowl!:)
½ gallon Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
1 jar hot fudge sauce
1 chocolate fudge cake mix
Cooked Meringue (see recipe below)
Soften ice cream and mold into a medium bowl about 9” or 10” diameter (I use a glass pyrex). Pour hot fudge over top and put into freezer. Make cake according to package directions in two 9” round pans. When cakes are cool, remove one of them and place on top of the hot fudge sauce. Return to freezer. The other cake is extra, you have dessert ready for dinner tonight!:) When cake in the freezer is solid, you can remove it and put it on a platter (or cardboard covered w/ aluminum foil). To remove, dip the bowl for a couple seconds in hot water and it should slide right out. You should have nice “dome shape” on your platter. Frost with Cooked Meringue (make sure to make some nice "peaks" to brown later) and return to freezer. Place in heated broiler oven (or get out the blowtorch!) and brown right before serving and enjoy!
NOTES: You can make individual ones, just use small bowls and cut out slices of cake or brownie to fit. These are lots of fun, too! Everyone can torch their own.:)
Cooked Meringue
¾ c. sugar
¾ c. Karo
3 egg whites
1 t. vanilla
Over medium heat, dissolve sugar in karo. No need to boil, just make sure sugar is dissolved. In a medium mixing bowl, beat egg whites until fluffy. Add syrup slowly to egg whites, beating continuously. Whip till light, fluffy & glossy. Add vanilla. This meringue can be frozen before or after browning and thaws beautifully!